Hike Clerb: Featured Outdoor Diversity Organization
Featured Outdoor Diversity Organization: Hike Clerb
As we begin Women’s History Month, we’re sharing another installment in our community effort to showcase organizations promoting social justice and more inclusive access to public lands. This month’s feature organization is the Los Angeles-based organization Hike Clerb.
About Hike Clerb
Hike Clerb is an intersectional women’s hiking club, working at the intersection of social justice and environmental activism.
Inspired by the lack of representation of people of color in America’s great outdoors, the organization was born as a radical solution to this and other issues.
Evelynn Escobar founded the group in 2017 to help Black, Indigenous and other women of color access the healing power of nature.
Hike Clerb creates a safe space for BIPOC women in the outdoors by venturing out in numbers on monthly hikes. The non-profit organization also gives away National Parks Passes and provides free gear by partnering with clothing brands.
They have plans to expand to other cities. In 2021, they met in Toronto and in New York City at the site of Seneca Village, an African American community that was displaced to create Central Park.
Support and Donate
We invite you to join us in making a donation to Hike Clerb and help them continue their important work.
Follow Hike Clerb
- Website: https://www.hikeclerb.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikeclerb/
You Can Help Bridge the Diversity Gap in the Outdoor Industry
An overview of diversity and inclusivity organizations we have supported can be found here. This document contains information about what these organizations are doing and how you can donate to them directly.
We also set up a submission form you can use if you know an organization that’s working to make the outdoors more diverse and inclusive. If you want to see them supported, please submit via this form.