North Cape Cycling Adventure – Day 67 to 71
This post is a roundup of my last five days in Scandinavia. Five perfect days. The cycling was phenomenal, amazing weather, fun roads and great bike paths. I’m writing this post on a cargo ship bound for England, which is where I will continue my journey home…
Day 67 (June 6): Moss, Norway – Strömstad, Sweden
19.28h. This was the first full day I cycled in nine days and I ended up doing more than 110km. That’s pretty great! My legs feel good, my knees hurt a little and I definitely have to get used to the saddle again.

It was a good day. The roads in Sweden are really fun. I never realized how much fun they actually are. Perfect weather to cycle in and it looks like the next days are going to be alright as well.
I’ve got lots of time to get to Gothenburg. I have to be there on Monday.
Day 68 (June 7): Strömstad – Ramsvik, Sweden
19.18h. Great day again. Those roads are so fun!

I took the wrong road up a very steep hill once though. That was annoying, but hey, at least it’s not raining or freezing anymore. Nice weather makes everything a lot more enjoyable. 20-22°C, this was perfect weather again. I found an awesome camp ground too. All is great!

I had rice and tomato sauce and 200g of cheese for dinner. I’ve got the feeling that was a little too much cheese, my stomach is a bit upset.
Day 69 (June 8): Ramsvik – Stenungsund, Sweden
19.31h. A great and extremely fun day once again. Pretty well sign-posted roads over rolling hills. Up and down, up and down,… Amazing fun. And again, fantastic weather.
Because I’ve got so much time now, I’m taking the more scenic coastal roads instead of the fastest ones inland. This Sweden is so vastly different from the Sweden that I left a month ago. The grass is long and green and the fields are covered in white, yellow, pink and purple flowers. Seriously, so many flowers. Gorgeous scenery to cycle through.

It took me a while to find a place to camp tonight, but I found a nice and super-cheap camping. I’m cooking a bunch of rice right now, in the sun. It’s still 21°C! I’m ridiculously tan by the way. It’s a cyclist’s tan though, which means only my arms, legs and face.

Day 70 (June 9): Stenungsund – Gothenburg, Sweden
17.49h. Watched an incredible sunset last night. I really enjoyed sitting down by the beach for half an hour.
It was a great cycling day again. Everything seems to be getting even better every day. Superb bike paths and signs all the way to Gothenburg. That’s not what I’m used to in Sweden, so I was pleasantly surprised today. It was terrific. In fact, I dare to say the quality of the bike paths here is comparable to the Netherlands. Seriously good.

Arrived in Gothenburg at 2pm and sat and ate lunch in a park for a while. I checked into my room and that’s probably where I’m going to spend the rest of the day, browsing the web, reading and watching some TV. It’s really nice outside, but I’m out in the sun all day every day anyway. I need to look up some things too. I will be in England in two days!
Day 71 (June 10): Gothenburg, Sweden – North Sea
20.01h. I had the entire day to hang out in Gothenburg, but I didn’t play tourist. In the morning I went to buy a map of the UK and Ireland, I got some lunch and made my way to the harbor, which is enormous by the way. Tremendous bike paths everywhere, it must be said, so it was quite easy to find my dock.

I had to be at the port before 6.30pm, but I got there at 2. Extremely early, but the ship was already there and, after a private security escort, I could get on board.

Honestly, the Hurtigruten has nothing on a cargo ship like this. What an experience this is going to be! I loved it the second I got into my small, yet comfortable, cabin.
Because I was the only guest this afternoon – there’s one more British couple here now – the cook let me do my laundry in the crew’s laundry room too. For free!

All meals are included, there’s free coffee and tea, fruit, snacks, a flat-screen TV, free movies and magazines, even Wi-Fi. All rooms are en-suite. I will absolutely write a detailed blog post about this later, including the price (which is a lot lower than any other boat option and flight with a bicycle across the North Sea) and how to book. (UPDATE: Crossing the North Sea on a Cargo Ship)
It’s 8 o’clock now and we’re getting ready to leave. Can’t wait to be at sea for 26 hours.
I would have never thought of taking a cargo ship. I’ll be interested to see your post on the experience.
It was quite a spontaneous idea really. I got the idea of going to England after meeting and talking to a guy who had cycled around Europe several years ago. I was considering my options and looking at ferry companies, but that would have been pretty expensive. A cargo ship was a little dream of mine, and the cheapest option in this case.
Oh wow…. I really admire your courage in doing this. Anyway, I have to say, the photos are simply amazing! With the current haze going on now in Malaysia and Singapore, it’s so nice to see blue skies and clear weather.
All the best and keep those photos coming!
Thanks David!
People have told me I’m courageous a few times along the way, but that’s not how I feel at all. I think, and I genuinely mean this, that everyone can do it. You just have to want to do it. And if you really do, it won’t be difficult at all. It will be one of the greatest experiences of your life, although challenging at times, but that’s what makes it worthwhile. Bad times are necessary to appreciate the good times. Perception is invaluable.
It doesn’t take guts or courage, all you need is a sense of adventure and some creativity.
And yeah, I will keep those pictures coming! Don’t worry about that! 😀
What an amazing and extraordinarily exciting venture! Wishing you well on the journey home which will no doubt prove stunningly beautiful!
Thank you!