Woman Who Got Too Close to Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Sentenced to 4 Days in Jail
This news story about a woman who got too close to grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park is based on an October 7, 2021, National Park Service press release. You can read the original release here.
A story that was widely reported on various media channels over the summer has now come to a conclusion. It involves a woman from Illinois who got way too close to a grizzly sow and her three cubs in Yellowstone National Park on May 10, 2021, which triggered a charge by the sow.
Other park visitors documented the incident and shared their images and videos with news outlets, which ultimately led to the woman’s identification. You can watch the incident here.
Now, according to the press release, a United States attorney has sentenced the woman to jailtime and a number of fines and fees.

Woman Who Got Too Close to Grizzly Bears in Yellowstone Sentenced to Jail and Fines
Acting United States Attorney Bob Murray announced on October 7, 2021, that Samantha R. Dehring, age 25 of Carol Stream, Illinois, pleaded guilty to “willfully remaining, approaching, and photographing wildlife within 100 yards.”
The other count, “feeding, touching, teasing, frightening, or intentionally disturbing wildlife”, was dismissed.
Dehring appeared in front of Magistrate Judge Mark L. Carman in Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming on October 6, 2021, for her change of plea and sentencing hearing. She was sentenced to four days in custody and one-year of unsupervised probation.
Additionally, the woman must also pay a $1,000 fine, a $1,000 community service payment to Yellowstone Forever Wildlife Protection Fund, a $30 court processing fee and a $10 assessment. Dehring also received a one-year ban from Yellowstone National Park.
According to the violation notices, Dehring was at Roaring Mountain in Yellowstone National Park on May 10, 2021, when visitors noticed a sow grizzly and her three cubs.
While other visitors slowly backed off and got into their vehicles, Dehring remained. She continued to take pictures as the sow bluff charged her. Witnesses took pictures and video of the incident which was shared with news outlets and eventually led to her identification.
“Wildlife in Yellowstone National Park are, indeed, wild. The park is not a zoo where animals can be viewed within the safety of a fenced enclosure. They roam freely in their natural habitat and when threatened will react accordingly,” said Acting United States Attorney Bob Murray.
“Approaching a sow grizzly with cubs is absolutely foolish. Here, pure luck is why Dehring is a criminal defendant and not a mauled tourist.”
Acting United States Attorney Bob Murray
According to Yellowstone National Park regulations, when an animal is near a trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area, visitor must give it space.
Stay 25 yards away from all large animals—bison, elk, bighorn sheep, deer, moose and coyotes—and at least 100 yards away from Yellowstone bears and wolves.
If need be, turn around and go the other way to avoid interacting with a wild animal in close proximity.
You can read more about grizzly bear safety here and learn how to use bear spray correctly here.
This case was investigated by Yellowstone National Park Rangers and was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Stephanie Hambrick.